Hornchurch Academy Trust

The School Day

The School Day at Shears Green Infants  


Gates and doors open  Registration  Breaks  Lunch Time  End of Day 
Reception 8.30am   8.45am     11.15am-12.15pm 3.15pm
Year 1  8.30am 8.45am  20 minute morning break 11.45am - 12.45pm 3.15pm
Year 2  8.30am 8.45am 20 minute morning break  12.15pm -1.15pm 3.15pm

Total hours per week: 32 hours 30 minutes in line with meeting the DFE requirement.


Teaching and Learning in Reception:

The day is divided into 2 parts:

The morning is focused on teacher led learning following the EYFS profile:

  • Phonics - following the Read Write Inc programme
  • Talk for Writing - following the approach of immersing the children into a focused book brought to life through discussions, exploring language and meanings of words and then recording these using pictures and key words ;First, Next, After, Finally.
  • Reading - using big books (complemented by RWI), to explore stories, poems and non fiction.
  • Maths - exploring number, shape and measuring.
  • Topic focus - using a thematic approach to explore the world around us. 

This learning approach provides the scaffolding needed for the children to take what they have learnt to enter into the afternoon and apply it to their learning through play.

Learning through Play is sectioned into the following areas:

  • the principles of forest school 
  • small world 
  • construction 
  • physical
  • creative 
  • role play
  • music 

Teaching and Learning in Years 1 and 2 

Following the National Curriculum, the subjects are taught through a cross curricular approach to enhance concept building and application.

Maths and English skills are taught discreetly with knowledge and skills then applied throughout other subjects as appropriate.

Children's needs are met through a combination of:

  • Whole class teaching 
  • Adult led focussed groups 
  • Small group work
  • Intervention groups 
  • Individual led learning