Hornchurch Academy Trust

Welcome from the Head of School

Welcome from Mrs Holder 


A warm welcome to our school website!

Shears Green Infant School is a four form entry school and we currently have 10 classes;

  • 3 Reception classes
  • 3 Year 1 classes
  • 4 Year 2 classes 

Our school motto is 'Growing and Learning Together.'

The wellbeing of our children is of the highest priority and we work closely with our families and the community to achieve this.

We have developed a creative curriculum with purpose and meaning to the lives of the children we support and care for. The curriculum encompasses the richness of the children’s lives, the local community and the evolving world around them. 

We believe children can meet the academic challenges we present to them with openness, enthusiasm and a willingness to solve problems. We believe in creating an environment where appropriate risks can be taken creating socially and academically responsible people. 

Through providing a school climate whereby children feel happy, safe and supported we believe we will provide life long learners to the world.

We warmly welcome visits to the school so you can experience for yourself what makes Shears Green Infant School a great place to learn and achieve in. 


Mrs Clare Holder

Head of School